It's a couple of inches above the usual thing-thing fare that comes from you every now and again, and you certainly tried to implement some origonal facets to a pretty worn out formula.
I do have some gripes, though;
-you tagged this as a 'stylish' game, however pretty much all the combat is still a point-gun-click linear affair, you could've added any number of wall-hikes, meatsheilds, a proper bullet dodging system, weapon melee-combos and other assorted staple gunplay-moves.
-the explosions are lame. They really are. I want to see quadruple-blast radius booms with ragdolled thing-things flying about the screen, not a tiny little boom that actually has to stick to them to gib.
-executions need expanding. Why only have the two pipe-variations when you could have one or two for every different gun? It would be painstaking but add so much more to the game experience.
-the cover system is completely wasted. It works to a basic standard but there are literally about two places in all the maps to actually do it. This really frustrates me, it could've been really effective but your bland level design breaks the spirit.
-more weapons. There are like, 11 in the entire damn game!
Overall, you just didn't push the evelope enough.